Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My bestfriend jasmine is white at times -.-
Because no matter what the situation may be, experiencing it from both sides of the fence can and will help you master whatever it may be.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
No is a Yes later
This weekend was a little overwhelming, but at the same time I really enjoyed it. Long story short, Kickback, party, work, homework day. I feel a bit more time managed. I'm even gonna attempt to sleep a bit earlier.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
'Perception' Electric Wire Hustle from Electric Wire Hustle on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I feel a bit accomplished though because I got my permit haha and i'm on the verge of being employed. So we will see how this goes.
I'd be lying if I said I couldn't relate vvvv
Monday, November 30, 2009
I got kind of bored so I decided to post hella videos up from music I use to remember. Sorry if its alot it wasnt even half of what I was gonna put up.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Idk what it is with me and grey this year but yeah. Good luck biting! =)

I want these as a poster.
That's Deep.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
it's like you're allowing them to break your heart.
once a nigga makes you feel all good inside, makes you feel comfortable with him, makes you feel 10x beautiful than what you really are, makes your heart beat faster n slower at the same time, and is your FIRST to everything.. he has you.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
you'll do anything for him. you'd lay yourself on the line for him, feeling as IF he might do the same.. when really, he wouldn't.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
to be real, you lose alot of friends knowing that your man makes you feel like you have that comfort, you have him and you dont need nobody else..
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
he'll make you feel like he will NEVER ever hurt you, but meanwhile when you sittin' at home, the niggas on the other line with another bitch tryna stay low creepin'.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
if once he does hurt you, and you give him another chance, he will continue to repeat the shit he does 'cause he'll feel like you'll always go back to him.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
after being the HUMANS that you are.. fussin' n fightin' at each other in order to maintain a strong relationship, you become weaker and weaker by the shit you take and by how much you allow him to BREAK YOU.
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
through the tears that you cry.. through the anger that you posses.. through the happiness that you can never get once back.. you still give him a chance because you love him. it's like, why does something so WRONG feel so RIGHT?
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
through everything that has overcame you, through the good and the bad.. no matter how horrible it is, you'd rather have bad times with HIM than have a good time with someone else..
When a bitch gives a nigga her love..
not only til the point that he continues to break you and ruin you.. that you've just had it.. and you realize you're not the same person you were once before.
Knowing that you should have gave up the first time, you only did not because you were in love. Because you thought that all the words he has said to you, all the things he has done for you, or the way he made you feel makes you feel like no otha NIGGA could ever do for you.
and knowing this..
It all comes down to a point..
where i sit to myself and think ..
You'll never forget your first true love, NEVER.
The reason why this all happens is because you chose to make it unhealthy. You chose to let him break you.. you chose to sit there and cry every night wishing you weren't alive.. you chose to let a nigga hurt you.
And this is because.. it's a BITCH who gave a NIGGA her love.. meaning not only through the whole relationship you were once in with your first true love you were a bitch.. but you were a good person who had faith to make the relationship work. Once he fucked up on me and I fucked up on him, I realized our relationship was all downhill. If only he gave me US a chance to sit down, wake up and realize what we have is something that we could change. You can never change a NIGGA for who he is, or what he cannot be. In order for someone to change, they have to change for themselves, for the better. In order to maintain a healthy relationship, you gotta sacrifice. You gotta TRUST. You gotta have that communication that no one else could ever have with you.. you gotta be NOT AFRAID to give chances.
he was once a man.. once a man that i could call my own and not worry about. I was once a lady that i could say to myself.. "im strong." BUT, i let him over take me. I let him break me. I let him do what he would do to me. i let him. Why? Because i loved him, because i thought we were meant to be. But it wasn't all his fault.. it was also mine. But i learned from my mistakes, and i learned so much to be a stronger person and know that throughout everything he will always have my love.. a real lady will always fall down to being a bitch. Whether its from lettin a nigga hurt her.. or lettin her friends break her.. or lettin the world take her. Either way.. once in your life time a lady will stoop down to be a weak female because they can't help it.
Only a real man would take care of a real lady. Only a real typa love would be able to fix things and overcome all the obstacles that have been thrown at them.
So what does that tell you today..? Are you in love with a nigga that treats you how you shouldn't be treated? Are with you a nigga that makes you feel 10x worse through pain but can make you feel the happiest ever when hes with you?
dont let a nigga break you. Us females in this world all deserve to have respect, all deserve to be happy. Same goes for men. The whole world is fucked the fuck up.. everyones confused.. even my own girls are sittin here cryin goin through what im goin through.. cant fall outta love and takes shit from their first true love because they HAVE THEM LIKE THAT.
What can you do when a nigga stops loving you? What can you do when a nigga gives up? What can you do when a nigga is happy with another girl? Nothing. You can't force yaself to feel something you won't feel, and YA SHO CANT FORCE A NIGGA TO FEEL SOMETHING THAT HE already WONT FEEL -Kathleen Amon
All I can say about that is she's right -.- I mean this shit goes both ways. Can you relate?
18 >.<
music of the day haha
Monday, November 23, 2009
I Am David
This movie was really good. I just hate how the trailer is all cheesy.
If you DGAF
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Well its time to get back to work. I still need to find black people like this! haha.
Dream Building
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Insomnia nights/mornings
2NE1 is the shizznit =]
Something New
Friday, November 6, 2009
I Really Really
I am really tired of it. So fine. I give the fuck up.
Point Made
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I Hate.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Find A Way
Making things for me towards you harder
Killing me, just when I think we're there
You got the whole vibe and the flows in the air
Telling me 'bout next man
But next man ain't the nigga with the plan
Who got your heart in mind?
It's about time that you just unwind (come on)
Word word, now wait a minute now before you jet it to the curb (yeah, yeah)
Start to make affections, which is good not the hurt
But it, it aint me, and I, I ain't blurred (uh)
I'ma still just chill with you
Maybe things could change if you change your view (come on)
If not then I guess it is cool (yeah)
just, to keep to yourself and adbide by the rules, right
This seriously made my day. University students in the "hermit kingdom" are finally beginning to revolt against their "Great Dear Leader". I can see the North crashing down within the next 10 years. This is just a start.
Okay so I was reading this article, and it was talking about how the black market is getting more and more popular out there. If you didnt know, North Korea is very strict. A couple of years ago you could be executed for having a boot leg movie that was foreign. Now that they cant even afford to send people to labor camps, they began to reduce the sentences.
The good part about this is that most students are starting to not gaf. Bootleg movies are everywhere! When they do get caught by police officers, they just toss them a pack of cigarettes imported from china and the cops go on about their business. I believe it is a start! The reason why the government is afraid to allow foreign films to be watched is because they believe that it may start some sort of revolution depending on what movie it may be.
Even if the Juche Ideology has been imprinted in their brain literally since birth, many people are finally beginning to open up their eyes and become open minded.
The one thing I cant wait to do when I turn 18 is apply for LINK .
We Need More Black People Like This!
Well anyways, I am having another one of my insomnia moments for no apparent reason. So I decided to youtube an all time favorite producer of mine. Slakah The BeatChild Is the most versatile and underrated person I have come across. I find that music from other countries are a bit better than the bs we hear. Even the style gets me a bit hyped. It kind of motivates me to get a job.
If you know me well enough, you'd know that I love real Hip-Hop. None of that hibbidy hoo dah jerk my dick off type of shit! hahaha.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Rev is Knowledge.
The immature mind hops from one thing to another; the mature mind seeks to follow through. -(H. Overstreet)
Okay now I am really going to try and sleep.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Life Is What You Make It
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Boyz In the Hood!
haha too bad the sound doesnt work.We had a pretty dope soundtrack. Its because tom forgot to do the copyright bs. oh well. check it out =]
I had a coffee table talk. Never had one in my life! haha well sorta. I felt like an old person. But it was great catching up with a friend.
Not to ramble off on this pointless blog but imagine how life would be without music =.= that shit would be soooooooo booooring! haha. I am not to sure what else to blog about so I am gonna go watch a movie and call it a night. Hasta Luego!
RiP Closet
Spoken Word
Friday, October 23, 2009
Travis blowing up my phone. I mean honestly, is paranormal activity
really that scary!? I still wanted to watch it but people are being
pansys and it is kind of getting me a bit to curious im scaring myself.
Homework is becoming easy as pie. It couldn't get any easier. I
think I can graduate early and get this head start that I've always
wanted. Depending on how much homework I have will determine the outcome
of my festivities tonight, if I even get enough done =.= I don't
plan on being out too late tonight, I have ACT's to take early in
the morning. I think I'm ready like uncle freddy! Haha jk.
If John sells me the car, im going to be really stoked! Vroom! Vroom!
BeepBeep! Its a guarantee buy my mom said. This will be great =D. I
think that smiley looks like a penis sometimes haha.
I love the fact that I can be their for all of those who need me now and
vice versa. A friend stopped by this morning because she was upset. But
that didn't stop her from going on with her day. I should be getting
back to homework. So everyone have a wonderful day =)
Btw I am pretty sure this shit is going to come out all jacked up since
that's how it usually does through my phone -.-
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ladies Man
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
They Don't Call Me Get It James for Nothing.
Never feel sorry for yourself! Its useless & no-one cares! Lifes a play! DO NOT play the victim. period!-Rev Run
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Let the Past be the Past
She Thinks - Emanon
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Self Explanatory
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I was all into it! hahaha. I actually watched the whole thing =.= I think its because the girl on here is cute. I have no clue.
Monday, September 28, 2009
PIFA 2009
Pick Pocket - Ooklah The Moc
Was the shit! Too bad I only got to go for saturday. But atleast I made it for the 5th year in a row. The line-up for saturday was outrageous! I had to wake up at 4 in the freakin morning! In order to help set up stuff. After that I crashed out in the truck until open ceremony. I really loved it this year.You wouldn't believe how many people I ran into that I havent seen in so many years!
you can see me sitting down at 35 sec. haha
We all know what my favorite parts of the whole entire festival! FOOD AND TAHITIAN YUMMM! hahaha.
I really enjoyed pali roots band along with the old group I use to dance with (Imahen Tao Tao Tano) Its crazy how most of the guys dropped out of the group.But they didnt do so bad this year.
I find it funny how L&L's line always ends up empty. It just goes to show that that shits way to americanized! I feel kind of bad for the filipinos there haha. Because the announcer said something like "WHERES ALL MY FILIPINOS AT!?" and the elders and youth looked around and said "HUH!? AND EWW" HAHAHAHHA! I guess you can say it was one of those you had to be there to laugh about it moments.
For some reason everytime I come back from PIFA it inspires me to do something. Believe it or not I kinda wanna learn how to play electric guitar. Not none of that howley shit but like reggae. Unfortunately I wont be getting any pics from pifa until my lazy ass cousin decides to upload them. but for now all I could find was this video.
sandiego PIFA 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Over It.
I am aware of the things I said in the last blog and i'm not taking anything back. What happened is what happened and what was said was said. I forgive those who didnt do much even if some didn't apologize. So live with it or dipset. I could really care less if I have many friends. The few Realest people is all I need =].
Monday, September 21, 2009
Good Lookin Out Not - aint trippin
The pussiest thing anyone could do to someone. All I can say is I took it like a g and I didnt go out like a bitch while the majority of my so called homies just watched on the sideline. Before I even get started on the frustrations I have the story needs to be said.
Well last weekend I was with Kim. As we were walking into a party, this nigga from OMob started trying to hit on her and then talked shit to me. He wanted to try and be hard in front of his homies so he called me out. Knowing me i'm not a bitch so I didn't even say shit I just walked in the middle of the street. Once he seen that he looked confused as fuck and didnt know what to do. So his homeboy walked up and I told them straight up, they aren't jumpin me but they can line up and get there ass handed to them. Even though I was thinking "they are gonna fuck me up", they backed down and said they don't want no drama.
Then this weekend comes around and some drama happened between this guy and his room mate. so the party was basically popped. Everyone was leaving and my home girl just got there. Some female runs up talking shit to her because of some shit that happened a long ago. I guess they have been going at it forever. That girl called out my homegirl and my homegirl was whoopin her ass! I find it funny how that happens. Someone starts things with others then they get their ass whooped! Someone jumped in and started trying to hit my homegirl then someone jumped in for my homegirl and it was a 2 on 2 fade.
Out of nowhere the nigga who's girlfriend called out my homegirl prolly felt embarassed and decided to call me out.I didnt hesitate to put my hands up, Rather than catching a one on one fade, he looked behind him for 3 of his homies to run up on me. I took off running and they didnt come close to catching me. Keep in mind that these are some grown ass men with tats who looked like they just got out of prison. I'm not even over exaggerating.
Well anyways my home girl Sonari got out of her car and started going off. As we were walking back to the car they started surrounding me. And I caught one of them trying to come up from the side to hit me. So I said fuck it, put my fists up and someone hit me in the back of the head. Rather then falling down I took that shit to street and started swinging. They were over 10 deep. The only thing that was going through my head was "DO NOT FUCKING FALL!" HAHAHA I was not trying to get stomped out. I eventually fell but I jumped up really quick and hit someone in the chin so they backed up a bit and it gave me some sort of a chance. Quick thinking, I ran toward the side of this car and covered up my face. Then thats when the fists started flying.My homeboy Adrian ran up and punched the biggest guy in the group then 3 of his homies ran after Adrian. Sonari and Kathleen were grabbing niggas by the collar and punching them in the face. I was seeing people fly back because of them. Those fuckin pussies punched Nari and Kat too. Their were so many people fuckin jumping me, people had to hop over eachother in order to hit me. Some how Kristie came in there and hugged me then they stopped. After that happened I just ended up with a knot on my head and a bloody lip. Out of all of that I played it smart and cover up.
Where were my "homies" you ask? WATCHING FROM A FUCKING DISTANCE! One of them was even crouching behind a car. Another one shook the guys hand who started all of this shit in the first place. The girl who got her ass beat came up to another one of my homegirls talkin shit. I guess she couldn't except defeat and decided to go after her but it didn't happen.
Everyone met up at Aladdin hookah lounge and thats when everyone wanted to come up to me tryin to kiss my ass. I heard all of the excuses in the book. "you should have ran toward us" wtf nigga you should have ran toward me. "I got your back" No you dont because if you did you woulda took a beating with me. "I just got out of that shit with them" If it were me that good enough reason to get right back in it. So none of those excuses really count. The fact of the matter is, you watched your homie get jumped. Scratch that your associate. Because a homie wouldn't let that shit go down. All I can do is just say I see how it is. I knew yah was all talk.
Will I get some get back? Who knows. Maybe I will maybe I wont. If I do it could be today, tomorrow, next month, a couple of years from now. Honestly,IDGAF. I'm kinda glad that happened. It was an eye opener. So good lookin out omob for whoopin my ass hahaha. You would come after the smallest one out of the group. But all that matters is that I got heart unlike everyone else.
Just a heads up, anyone who was there and just watched. I still got your back. But when it comes down to you getting jumped, imma watch for the first 2 minutes then ill get in it so you can feel what I felt.
I cant be rollin with niggas who dont have my back so unless I know someone who would back me up is goin out then i'm not fuckin with it. I really dgaf how big bad buff and tuff yah niggas look. I got more heart then you fuckin wheenie. I have 0 respect for any of you.
3 of my homies got jumped by a different set the night after. Those were people that I know who would have jumped in to back me up. They didn't deserve that.I kinda wish it was the people who didnt get my back. I mean wtf is this!? Some females got more heart then the rest of these niggas out there. Thats a shame.
So until you redeem yourself in some way you get no props from me. You know who you are so there is no point in asking me. I'll tell you again if you wanna know though.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Getting Involved
Its what I intend on doing rather than sitting at home in the comfort of my home and feeling bad about the NK crisis. I have been following the crisis for around 3 years now and felt helpless. I turn 18 in 2 months so I will be applying for LiNK once the spots are open. I havent been this serious in my life but they do have a west coast team touring around and showing the movie Seoul Train. Although I have seen the movie before I plan on watching it. IDK how far orange county or Riverside is but I believe that they are the closest one to san diego. Here are the viewings.I am pretty sure no one cares but who knows!
Orange Wilkinson Founders Chapel (within the Fish Interfaith Center)
One University Dr., Orange CA
Jennifer Welsch
Riverside Norte Vista High Scool
6585 Crest Avenue