Pick Pocket - Ooklah The Moc
Was the shit! Too bad I only got to go for saturday. But atleast I made it for the 5th year in a row. The line-up for saturday was outrageous! I had to wake up at 4 in the freakin morning! In order to help set up stuff. After that I crashed out in the truck until open ceremony. I really loved it this year.You wouldn't believe how many people I ran into that I havent seen in so many years!
you can see me sitting down at 35 sec. haha
We all know what my favorite parts of the whole entire festival! FOOD AND TAHITIAN YUMMM! hahaha.
I really enjoyed pali roots band along with the old group I use to dance with (Imahen Tao Tao Tano) Its crazy how most of the guys dropped out of the group.But they didnt do so bad this year.
I find it funny how L&L's line always ends up empty. It just goes to show that that shits way to americanized! I feel kind of bad for the filipinos there haha. Because the announcer said something like "WHERES ALL MY FILIPINOS AT!?" and the elders and youth looked around and said "HUH!? AND EWW" HAHAHAHHA! I guess you can say it was one of those you had to be there to laugh about it moments.
For some reason everytime I come back from PIFA it inspires me to do something. Believe it or not I kinda wanna learn how to play electric guitar. Not none of that howley shit but like reggae. Unfortunately I wont be getting any pics from pifa until my lazy ass cousin decides to upload them. but for now all I could find was this video.
sandiego PIFA 2009
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