This seriously made my day. University students in the "hermit kingdom" are finally beginning to revolt against their "Great Dear Leader". I can see the North crashing down within the next 10 years. This is just a start.
Okay so I was reading this article, and it was talking about how the black market is getting more and more popular out there. If you didnt know, North Korea is very strict. A couple of years ago you could be executed for having a boot leg movie that was foreign. Now that they cant even afford to send people to labor camps, they began to reduce the sentences.
The good part about this is that most students are starting to not gaf. Bootleg movies are everywhere! When they do get caught by police officers, they just toss them a pack of cigarettes imported from china and the cops go on about their business. I believe it is a start! The reason why the government is afraid to allow foreign films to be watched is because they believe that it may start some sort of revolution depending on what movie it may be.
Even if the Juche Ideology has been imprinted in their brain literally since birth, many people are finally beginning to open up their eyes and become open minded.
The one thing I cant wait to do when I turn 18 is apply for LINK .
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