Saturday, December 20, 2008


Last night was nuts!lets see where do i start. ummm... so i failed to take my test at the dmv >.< we went to late and hit traffic badly. But at least i got some foster freeze =). I went home and slept longer than I anticipated... (since bree didn't make sure i was fully awake before getting off of the phone when she called to wake me up). Daniel picked me up and we rolled to e&g. We eventually got out of nates house.His dad was being one of those strict asian parents. "STAY HOME AND READ A BOOK!""BYE DAD! SEE YOU LATER".Rolling up to the pad, I noticed nothing was set up yet -.- It was pretty last minute and I'm surprised we actually pulled it off.Gina pushed me to drink like a third of her 4 loco and i had a one to myself along with some iiager and jd.I was set for the night. I hated how the plug kept on being unplugged. But it was ok I guess.The party ended at around 12:30.There was a drive-by threat so everyone stayed in the house for a little bit.Everyone eventually went to terrells house for a little after party swore e. Gen had a bomb ass burrito. Maybe because i was a little drunk.But it taste good as a mofo.I eventually fell asleep there until gen woke me up to take me home. Once i got home I got on the comp and talked with a couple of friends for a but and crashed out. As for today, I called my grand parents like i do every saturday morning. They seemed very busy since it's my baby cousins first birthday and its gonna be big (LIKE SHE'S GONNA REMEMBER IT). They were suppose to pick me up. But i'm unssure if they are.I hope they don't.I'm just going to be the outcast out of over 100 chinks haha jk. But if i do not attend that crap, i'll be able to sleep and what not. I highly doubt my moms giving me any money since her and I got into a small argument about my little brother and sister. Only time will tell.

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