Friday, December 19, 2008

Mid Town East Side

Yesterday I had a bad ass dream and couldnt go back to sleep so I just watched tv until it was time to get ready.My u.s. history final was easy. I got to keep my A in the class. Travis punk ass got a letter raise because he cheated on his final. The stupid thing is the teacher caught him with the vocab terms out and he grabbed his test and threw it in the trash. Travis begged him to give him a blank one to start fresh and he did. Travis straight up walked to the trash got his test out and threw the fresh one in there and turned it in. He aced that shit.but its a c- so i dont really care.After the final are teacher told us we could leave so i got out at ten.As we were walking out the two fat bitches who work in the office made us go back. she said because we have 6th period(even though theres no final in it). We just walked back and once they were outta view we ran and hopped in my uncles truck. At travis house we just played cod and chilled. We walked to the taco shop and talked about the shit we use to do when we were younger. He brought up the time we use to egg our nieghbors car every night at the same time and we'd wake up to watch him wash his car haha. After chilling at his house Gener picked me up and we went to mid town or something like that. Swang Gang all went and played basketball (excluding me and larry since we suck). Freddy ripped his shorts that shit was hilarious. He was running around with a hoody tied around the front of his shorts. I went with arcee, auby, and larry to go outside to smoke (I didnt partake in that foolishness).Ravy wanted to go and drop off carol so larry,nate, and I hopped in her car and went. Come to find out Gener left me -.-. So I just chilled at Nates house with larry since I was stranded in eastside. I called daniel and he said he could give me a ride. In the mean time we just ate pizza,sent out stuff, and watched funny ass videos on youtube.Wen and Daniel picked up larry and i and took us home. When I got home i swept and mopped since my mom was upset that I was out late without telling her that i wouldnt be home til later.I got on myspace for alil then slept. Today i have some objectives. get a ride to eastside early, get a lineup, and get a some stuff.

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