Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Give a Man a Fish, He'll Eat for a Day Teach a Man to Fish, He'll Eat for a Lifetime

Since the Girls have been in Temecula, the guys have been hanging out.The day before yesterday, I just chilled at Travis house. Watched movies and played cod. we were suppose to go bodyboarding but being lazt got to later on that night the guys from swang gang decided to go fishing. It wasn't as boring as I anticipated it on being. I caught sea bass =) and two other people had caught stingray. This guy caught a shark and kevin went to go see.The man was giving us a lecture about fish and kevin blurts out, "I DON'T CARE!I JUST WANT TO SEE THE DAMN SHARK!" hahaha.between 8-2 we played soccer with a hawaiin punch bottle,kevin freestyled, told storys about op at vindong, and chilled.The unfortunate thing is that I had to be home alone. Opp is what kept me up that night. Supposedly this ghostly figure haunts vindong a market in eastside. It is said that his head and intestines float around and bites shit. If you do see him, your face will be scared shitless and you won't think or be the same anymore.

The next day I was suppose to hang out with Bree. Since she went to my house she thought it'd be a great idea for me to go to hers. But my mom was being a little ______. She had the nerve to ask me why
I did'nt go to her house -.-. I'm seriously lagging on my permit test. If I had the permit I would'nt need to ask her for a ride no way! Since I did'nt go to brees house, Wen gave me this website where you could watch anime. It was like a dream come true! I watched an episode of kenshin (which i will be following up on like old times) then i got ready.Philip picked gener and I up to go with him tony and wen to clairmont.Before we drove up there we went to the taco shop ( that fuckcker didnt give me guacamole again) We pushed a damn car up and down a street about 5 times. I guess Tony wanted to buy it but he had no way to get it home so we tried to push start it. After all of that, we chilled at berries and beans (frozen yogurt). I bought peanut butter flavor with mochi and strawberries on top.we played a couple of intense rounds of uno until closing. Since we did'nt have shit else to do we stayed at geners house for a good hour and a half. Philip attempted to give wen pink eye more than 5 times if you catch my drift.We had the option to go to a kick back with morse step team or go to annies for patron. Neither of those worked out for some reason.We visited Jeff and Zack pretty much told on Jeff about talking shit behind Geners back. Sinty met up with us and we cruised eastside for a while. Parking in a random place, and the prank call fest began. once it hit about 3 we called it a night.As for today, it's new years eve but i'm not sure what were gonna do.

-btw,big ups to Tom Pham for making this ACTION PACKED video =)

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