After waiting for the longest time, Philip finally picked me up.Maly and I were the last ones to get picked up. But it was no big deal.Tom,Angela,Kon, and Sinty all rode in the car.Kent was a little slow sending the directions so we said forget it and went to clairemont.A frien of Kons was celebrating her birthday at a karaoke bar. It was sooo much fun. That was my second time being to one. It was a bit funny just walking past other rooms and seeing others singing (especially the ones who sang in hanguel). The room was pretty hot since there were over twenty people and no type of cooling system. They asked Kon to buy some more beers so Gina,Pekani(pek pek),Angela,Philip, and I went with him.Gina and I came to the conclusion that we should go half and half on a UV but it was to bad that they didn't sell that at 7/11. So I just bought a 4loco and she got a big ass bottle of smirnoff.When we got back to the karaoke bar, some wierdo kept on looking at sinty and i.He looked like a freakin white supremisist.Anyways, while being in there tom kept on requesting BIG but no one really payed attention haha.At the end they gave us an invite to a sorority party but we had declined since we still needed to meet up with the rest of swang gang.On our way to the hookah bar on paradise valley rd., I finished my whole thing.Gina came prepared, she gave me a straw and what not.It was great seeing everyone at the hookah lounge. We did the cha cha and the electric slide haha.The place closed at around 3 and everyone mobilized to the new swang gang spot, the taco shop near point loma.

Due to to many puffs of hasheesh and the carbonated water from the 4loco, I yakked a bit on the side of arbys.Nate was nice enough to bring me some water. I ate so many carne asada fries. I noticed that taco shop while being a bit buzzed taste the best.After hanging out there, we called it a night and Arlynn took me home =).I missed gen though.Her and I always have little talks on the way home and update eachother.

Due to to many puffs of hasheesh and the carbonated water from the 4loco, I yakked a bit on the side of arbys.Nate was nice enough to bring me some water. I ate so many carne asada fries. I noticed that taco shop while being a bit buzzed taste the best.After hanging out there, we called it a night and Arlynn took me home =).I missed gen though.Her and I always have little talks on the way home and update eachother.
I woke up to a call from vince asking me for my help.When he got to my house he had a shit load of dvd's from blockbuster. They all had locks on them and so I googled how to take them off. After all that happened I went back to sleep pretty early.
Today I come to realize that the little friends I have at my school can be a destraction. In geometry( since i messed up freshman year -.-), I was taking notes and all vince could do is talk to me.It gets really annoying that he doesn't take school seriously and expects to copy off of me everytime. So I finally told him to shut up and let me do my work and that if he fails the class its no one elses fault but his.I could tell he got a little butt hurt because when I was talking to mr. Yang he just interupted saying no one cares and some other trivial shit.I told him that no one was even talking to him and he felt dumb.So he started cussing.I know that he is my ride to school and home but I could care less about that.If something is annoying me I speak up and I have been trying to ignore it for the longest time.That was not the end of my day and I didn't let it ruin my day either.I finally finished the book i've been reading for the longest time.So during lunch Travis and John came with me to the library to check out another book.It's called FINDING LUBCHENKO by Michael Simmons. So Far it's about a son of a millionaire who doesn't get any support from his father.His father is a lutheran who believes in working for what you want.So this kid takes the stuff around the million dollar corporation and sells them on ebay. That is as far as I have gotten so far but I will finish it.I'd better get started on homework before it gets to late.
Dude! I totally need some discipline too. :[ I was just thinking about that and I think I'm really going to try to work on mine. :]
ReplyDeleteAnd omg I've always wanted to go to that hookah place on Paradise. I was thinking about going there last Friday but I don't know haha.
Last Friday, I was doing my history final and I was like one of the last people to finish. I was hella sick so I was having a hard time concentrating and what not and my stupid class was being hella loud. There was this annoying fob next to me telling these girls a joke and I was getting so annoyed because it was so long! I couldn't take it anymore so I finally said, "Shut up, John! I'm taking my damn test!" Hahaha. x]