Was a pretty good day. My older cousin came down from vista and we hit up the hookah lounge. He seemed to be having a good time. I drank a bit but not too much it was poppin. I love how Lindsey is always looking out for me=) what a great friend she is to me. I swear everyone was seriously trying to get me drunk lol. I guess im not as boring?
Junior, Tracey and I ended up going to Hugos house and talked boxing. I felt kind of old haha jk. But they are all way older and wiser than me -.- I got home at around 4 or so. I stayed up til 6 playing San Andreas.
Now this was when all of the action happened! haha Adventure much? For the whole day I played San Andreas and bumped hip hop until it was time to get ready. Junior got Tracey Jeth and I. We bought liq and beer then headed to a kickback in otay. Apparently SSI and SDP wanted to fight so it got a little hectic lol. I seen Kimberly Michelle there. I haven't seen her in forever! haha She got prettier.
The drama was cleared up and we decided to hit up state. Which was a complete fail! they were taking forever to send us directions. So rather than waiting we hit up Blue Flayme. Idk why they spell it like that! haha Thats when I realized they bought me the wrong drink! -.- I asked for a 4loko not that other thing I forgot what it was called. But it had the same percentage so it was whatever. That shit taste soo bomb! I felt like it was a chick drink lol.Right when I got there everything was poppin. Everyone cracked bottles open and got their drink on haha. Kristy and Angie asked me to go to jack in the box with them. I kind of needed them in order to get into the lounge so I decided to go. The hookah lounge has these new mouth pieces they look like little vacuum suckers haha.
I had to take care of tiff for a bit. She drank more than I did @.@ Everyone was outside more than inside. It felt like a parkin lot party! Once it closed I went home and Tracey fell asleep. Lisa called and they said they were gonna pick me up before they head to Earls pad. It was already 4 but I was down for whatever. Tracey was passed out and I couldnt wake him up so I left the room lol.
We got lost af! we were by Sea World -.- but we eventually found our way there. Once I got there they attempted to give me a shot of E&J -.- They drew on jeth big time! I was eating candy and smoking hookah. All I know is that when I woke up from my hour nap I had blue sharpie all over my damn face! Waking up still drunk is no bueno -.- but the 8 am breeze outside sure did feel great! It might not seem like that big of a deal but it was my first time riding in a Z lol . The chairs were soo comfortable omg! Right when I got home I Crashed tf out! I was gonna go to church but my face had too much sharpie on it 0,0 and it wouldnt come out lol My weekend was pretty great I must say. Hopefully they will continue to be! Summer is coming up and I am soooo ready =)
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