Thursday, January 8, 2009


Yesterday's uniform was one of my best ones even thought my uniform was hella wrinkled.They didn't even notice that shit so I got an A.Changing in civilian clothes took forever. The bathroom was just filled with guys changing haha.After that I hopped in line and waited to get lunch. I hate how if the bell rings and your still in line to buy lunch they still close it on you. I've been stressing about this college class i'm gonna be taking. Because the day I need to go and get my outline from the professor is the same day as kp samahan.So that's no fun. I seem to have forgotten why it is I need to get a semester ahead in college by the time I graduate.I'm gonna take a semester off and stay in Seoul for a good 6 months.Today I overslept but I still got my work done. While being in the shower, Nessa and John called telling me they were almost at my house. I made them wait since they didn't let me know that they were coming ahead of time haha.After that we went to pick up Monique.It was cool seeing some people I havent seen in a while. We had no clue where to go so subway sounded pretty good. We all ate it in front of Moniques house and talked for a while. Johns car sounds like a damn monster truck on the inside but on the outside you cant really hear anything.Tomorrows friday and i'm not sure what i'm gonna do yet.As for tonight, I think im gonna go visit chitter and some of her friends in temecula with wen and phil.

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