Monday, March 30, 2009
Peppered Chicken and Captain Crunch
Here We Go Again.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Fail to Realize
Certain individuals fail to realize how important my education is to me.The things I ask for are fairly small and fail to get done.I understand that if you want something done do it yourself. But I find it hard to do when my mom is the one who they would like to talk to not me.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Do What You need to do in Order to do What You Want To do.
Waking up early as fuck to get lost in el cajon was not what I anticipated on doing.Kimberly was nice enough to send me direction.=)
That school is pretty careless about kids.It was right out of a scene of one of those hood movies where the kids dont listen to the teacher.I do not belong there! So I just asked for my work bumped music and minded my own business.I found it very annoying the way this fat girl kept on asking me questions trying to get at me.I could only take so much so by the middle of second period I asked her if she could please leave me alone I am not here to converse!
I also had to raise hell about how they wouldnt transfer my grades into the computer.I took matters into my own hands and told them that there would be no reason for me to even show up to this retarded ass school if they are just gonna put me behind on credits.
They really underestimated me! But I am no knuckle head. It felt kind of good that there was another kid in the same exact position I am.He is Iraqi and he couldnt take the insults and call outs anymore so he finally fucked them up.He is also on his way to a 4-year.
I still have a shot at a 4-year!They told me that I could transfer out of that school next year and allow me to go to any school outside of the grossmont union high school district.
While on the way home, I ended up getting picked up at the trolley station by my cousin Travis' friend Kearny.What I did not realized is that hes one of my x's older brothers.We all went to society's to shoot pool and eat.I actually got some homework done in there! =) It feels good to do homework again.
After that, I got dropped off at the International Restaurant for Phils 21st birthday.The food was so great and we drank till the bottles were gone!
Everyone decided to go look at a view near my house then go home.
In the middle of the night I got up to a horrifying sight! My eye was pretty swollen.Thanks to those retards who blew smoke in my eye!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Early Bird
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The problems really come to the point to where I don't want to live anymore. There really is no reason to. I've already killed my tear ducts.
Its all as if this is very unreal to me. It is me! The one that busted his ass off just to get dropped back down.If people get a thrill watching everything I worked hard for crumble which just inflicts pain on me, then could I possibly get that same thrill?Only time really tells.
Life Is What You Make it.
So there is no reason why anyone should play victim.Reguardless of the situation.Evaluate the whole thing before anyone should play some sort of victim.Honest to god, There is no reason to help someone who doesnt want to help.
I am not sure what my situation is right at this moment.But I think its very unhealthy to just leave things as they are.The least thing that could happen is for things to be talked out and get the story straight.
I woke up to scary texts very very scary texts.I said some mean things but I remember everything that happened. And I understand why I did.Things were going great until I decided to chase after an unstable mind.I was also not all there. But its in my nature to not let someone just walk off by them self.
Maybe I did ruin the night, but think about who caused the night to be ruined.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
really mad how the dumb bitch under estimates me. She somewhat laughed
when she asked me what I wanted to do.
Come to find out. Under the policy I have to attend there for one whole
year in order to go to a public school. Not a charter. Things are just
harder for me now. And its total bullshit. I have 2 choices. Either I
stay at charter for the remainder of my highschool years and attend a
community college, OR I attend this retarded shit and go back to public
school 2nd semester of next year and ill be able to get into a 4-year
I need to make a choice fast. But I am unsure what to do. My life seems
10x harder than it was before.
Will it Ever End!
don't put me here. This is a much more worse school than the other. You
have to have an actual officer take you to use the damn bathroom >.< I
seriously can't believe that this is happening to me! I don't belong
Yesterday I went to the charter school orientation and I am now on a
waiting list(a minimum of one week). I was told that I have to be
enrolled in a school before I can even start at charter.
The worse part is that chapparral(temp school) is all the way in el
cajon and my mom is going to make me take public transportation to get
there >.<kimberly made me feel better by telling me that I would be
going green and offered me a zune. =)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Time Will Tell
and watch educational stuff on youtube anymore.I need to step my game up. So tomorrow I have another meeting for a school and I am gonna go running with Rose and Arlynn after they get out of there class.Its cool how in college you can get out fairly early on certain days.Looks like I can run with the older ones now.
I tend to think alot about the things and people I deal with on a daily basis and one thing I dont get is how an individual is lost.Its like they know what they want but they dont want to put the guard down and give things a chance.Its really self inflicted.Whats the point of saying one thing and doing another?
Anyway, Yesterday was so much fun.We went from human pile-ups to eating dropped hot dogs and chicken the day at the beach was really fun.We even had a water balloon fight.Lorenzo was so surprised.They blind folded him and we rushed to set everything up before he got there.I ate countless burgers I swear I am forever getting hungry for no reason >.< Maybe Ill consider getting those health packets from Kimberly. But yeah, as tempting as that beer looked I didn't get anywhere near it. lol.
When I got home I was tired but I couldn't sleep.I watched to movies.Street Kings (which was a very good and twisted movie) and I forgot what the other one was called but it was about the interrogations in Guatemala 1972.
I'm so fucking stoked to get out of San Diego this weekend!5/6 is going to six flags this weekend.Our first trip out of San Diego should be great.Arlynn may be renting a car but we arent sure yet.
Before I go Let me leave you with the worlds biggest secret known as the (hermit Kingdom) But I guarantee that you could ask me just about anything and I mean anything about this country and I will most likely get it right. Unfortunately the bottom one wont let you watch it through my blogspot so dont be lazy and just copy the link.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today I have to ive got the beach! I went earlier and it was unbelievably cold even with the damn wet suit. But im a g! I still got it in me.
Well I need to get ready like asap ive only got like 20 minutes! >.< It's for lorenzo.Were throwing him a surprise bbq at paradise point shhhh!!! DONT TELL ANYONE! Even though I just announced it on a website! hahaha This is when no one goes on my blogspot is an advantage.You can talk a whole lot of poo and no one reads it! hahha kidding
Kimberly showed me this scary ass video yesterday.If you dont get it then your just retarded and itll be your fault for being a poor bum within the next year! haha kidding.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Talk About a Rude Awakening
I really need to reinforce my door with a lock.I'm gonna have my friend take me to home depot later on today.
So I was listening to I love college and now that I think about it, I am already living that life.Facing facts that I wont get into a 4-year is pretty bearable now.I mean I will have friends in uc's.So ill just transfer. "WHEN THERES A WILL THERE IS A WAY!"
Gen came up with the best idea in life.Start a Video Blog.I am totally looking forward to posting that shit up.So you'll be seeing that pretty soon on here.We've already got a couple of videos were just waiting for them to be edited pretty soon.

Anyways I have come to notice that everytime were all out together,By the end of the night there is drama.For instance, thursday night after the last day of Paradise we all decided to parkin lot pimp and eat at super sergios and one of our friends ended up getting arrested. I hate how people cant control themselves when they are drunk.I mean wtf! Just listen and not be hard headed and none of that crap would have happened in the first place.
As for last night, it went nowhere near what we had planned >.<.Street scene was trash! And we didnt even bother going to babylon.We just drank at deans and listened to his beats they were dope.
Now that I think about it, my personal life is a bit complicated now.No structure what so ever. I could honestly say I have no idea what direction it will be going in.
I love the way Albert always sends me these little wierd videos<3
freshman moments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
First Day of School
So right when I get in there they are already breaking up a fight.I would not fit in that place .It's some dumb school called gateway and its basically a school for people on probation. I myself am no criminal and has never been put on probation. They tried to make me take a damn mug shot.I refused to and they said that they could see I would be trouble so they let me go =).
My mom was enraged! She seriously left me stranded in La Mesa.I have never seen her like that and she thinks that I will amount to nothing. Everything was so great just a month ago. But now, everything has came falling down.
Luckily, Arlynn didn't go to school and was able to pick me up.
Food is just about done so I will blog about yesterday in a bit =)
btw,I took the liberty of going to the charter school in paradise valley and they gave me a paper.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Just One of Them days
I'll be glad when it gets warm enough to go bodyboarding. That way I can find a more productive way to relieve stress and have fun.
I guess you can say that I am getting really cool with the owners of paradise.Because on friday I got like 5 Refills.Literally!
I have no idea what it is with me and drama but I have been through alot of it lately.Ive come to the conclusion that the crew should lay low a bit and just chill together instead of being at a function or at the lounge.Friday night when everyone was leaving one of my friends almost got into a fight with some dumb mexican. And everyone jumped out of the mexicans car.All I could say is that we would have fucked them up but I didnt want the girls to see it happen or the girls getting hurt so I made us back down.
Especially when one of my friends almost pulled out a gun.
We had just gotten talked to about how the lounge knows that we dont start things and they trust us so I had to tell them to catch us another day.
Even the next day after the beach with 5/6, we went to the lounge and there ended up being a big fight with some caldians and the security guards.Long story short, The guy attempted to pull out a gun and he got hit over the head with a wand and beat like five times with it. I cant believe that they whooped him and his home boys so fast! haha
Those are just highlights but other than that I have been laying in bed watching tv all day since sunday.
I swear I think I'm nocturnal at times. I didn't sleep until 6 this morning.After I had gotten home from arcees house.We had fun just chillin and eating a bagillion tacos from jack in the box. I am still trying to figure out if tofu is healthy ever since I heard that that is what those tacos are made of.
After watching planet green yesterday,I seriously do plan on going green when I get older.Many of the methods and remedies people use while going green actually saves you alot of money and is healthier for you and your environment.
I havent eaten all day so I think thats what im going to do now k bye!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Last night,I went to Arcee's garage for a line-up and then to babylon since paradise was closed.When I got there, there was alot of obs there.I didnt feel welcome there.I felt really uncomfortable.Especially since one of my homies was told that swang gang wasnt welcome there.Im guessing it has to do with the incident last saturday. We stayed anyway and on the way home we had a long talk about how people portray us.
At first it was cool but for some reason swang gang blew up into something that I didnt expect to.Now we have people thinking we are an actual gang.This shit is getting really annoying.I was seriously pissed by the time we got to my house.I dont want this shit to end.Swang Gang is family.I just hope that if we drop our label we all still chill like before.In my opinion we should just change the name to 5/6 movement instead but who knows what will happen..
I found this thing of mama gen in highschool btw =)
More Drama
Its crazy because the guy I got into it with yesterday told me he was the same one going around saying that he got knocked out fighting someone.So the guys is fucked.I had sympathy for him but now I don't. None what so ever.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
It really is dumb and I am tired of he say she say.So the guy appologized and said it was a misunderstanding.No one was hurt in the process of that but idk about the rumor spreader.
It gets really annoying how for some reason I am sucked back into freshman year drama.
Movie Day!
Earlier that day I woke up to my dads phone call >.< and then Arlynn got kent and I for sushi with David, Wen, Chitter, Kon and Toria.I find it ironic how most of us got in trouble and couldn't go to school that day.
We watched like 5 movies back to back and ate so much! We had pizza, sushi hut, Craisins, and taco shop!That was the life.. Maly lisa and angie later stopped by for a movie.Maly showed me that rickys party was in an article on her iphone.
Luckily I was able to find it online.
While Maly was talking on the phone, Kent pulled up a picure of a couple of a sayings every time she'd get to loud.Poor Arlynn was chewed out by her Mother so bad.Luckily my mom was sleeping when I had gotten in the house.
Dear Dad pt.2
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tapex With 5/6
Swang Gang all met up and I was really tempted to drink again.Luckily I didn't because I made a pact with kent.Once spring break hits its on and poppin!V had put a 40 in a big gulp and I have never seen that before.
For some reason the little chicken thingys were way more spicier than usual.Wens boba with pineapple shreds in it taste so yuummmy!I think thatll be my usual for now on.
After tapex for janeens last day in sd, we all went straight to the lounge.We found a cheat to make it last longer! all you have to do is lift up the foil and mix the hasheesh.Because the top is burned and thats why it taste like shit!
The night was called early at around 1230 and I fell asleep fairly early after that
Last Time I seen him I was 13 and I had to live with him for 2 months.Yeah it was good bonding time but when it really came down to it, he didn't believe me.WTF IS THAT? I am not gonna go to into detail but I came to face facts that I don't need him in my life.
I see exactly what my mom is trying to do but its not gonna work so she just needs to stop.It was cool meeting my uncle ive never seen since i was like 2 years old.He told me to not blame him for my dads flaws and I really respect that.
But today,My mom gave me the phone and I read the name.I just tossed the phone down and walked out of the room.There is nothing to say to him but FUCK YOU.That's basically what he said to me when I was 13 and I needed his help.He would even do little kid things and ignore my calls.But if I called blocked hed answer and say he was busy.And now all of a sudden he wants to be here to talk to me when I get expelled.
Great attention grabber I know.But my life is fine with.o him and it always will be so since he fucked up his life it doesn't mean I will.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yesterday, they had some of swang gang come over and they talked to us.They gave us free hookah and explained everything that had really happened.
Rickys Function
t really Irritated me how the guy who was doing the door tried to charge us for a party we were hosting.It felt a bit powerful saying wtf we are swang gang what are you saying.Some random guy said "I am not from swang gang but I am a representative!I'll fuck anyone up for saying something bad about swang gang!"
Once I got in the party I said whats up to everyone and grabbed a couple of dances.Gen and I later went back to the car to drink some more and we gave the rest of the bottle to the security guard.Our party was poppin everyone was having fun until someone from parkside started shooting.
(AND THIS IS WHY I SAY NO BULLETINS POSTED ABOUT THE PARTY) I did not see anything because I was in the car talking to a friend.People were running everywhere and zooming off.Gen was blowing up my phone and yelling at me but I told her I'd meet her at the lounge.When we pulled off so many cops were driving toward the place.I later found out that someone had gotten shot I am not sure if they are okay but hopefully they are.I blame the security! they should have patted everyone tf down.
While I was on my way to the lounge, Mama was hit by some dumb bitch.The cops were there so she couldn't do anything about it but catch her slipping later on.At the lounge everything went fine and we did the usual.
After the lounge, We all went to Denny's.Veralisa let me drive the jag there.I was buzzed but I felt the urge to drive.I think I did just fine.
Len was kind enough to buy me a slam burger.Gen and I discussed some problems and we all called it a night and went home.
Sweet Misery
Once the teachers came to break it up, all he could do was cuss at me and tell me it's not over."FUCK THAT BLOOD IM GONNA COME BACK FUCK THAT NIGGA YG'Z BLOOD ITS NOT OVER NIGGA IM BABY BLANGEM BLOOD" I returned words back and said "YOUR NOT A BLOOD THE ONLY BLOOD YOU CAN TALK ABOUT IS THE SHIT COMING OUT OF YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH!" He was uncooperative and the cops had to hand cuff him.
When they took me to the office they questioned me about if I ever had fighting lessons.I just told them no because if i would have told them that I took tae kwon do for 3 years and Brazilian jujitsu for 1, then I could have went to juvenile hall even if he called me out.
Being that it was my 2nd offense, they had to let me go.When they said that I was so furious because this may kill my chances of getting into a 4-year.Gen came and picked me up and dropped me off at Travis' house.We discussed what happened and I drank water(after an adrenaline rush you tend to lose balance and need to drink lots of water).
So many things went through my mind as time was going by so I let gen know and she spread the word to swang gang.I find it unbelievable how my new and trust worthy friends will jump when they ask you to.Before you make any assumptions, I brought all of those people because My friend colie told me that she over heard one of her home boys talking about me getting jumped by YG'z. There was no choice but to come prepared.
4 o'clock hit and I met up with the fam like 7 cars deep at the hookah lounge and we all mobbed it down to the park.Just before we pulled up to the park, I put on my Franklins. It was a little cheesy how a song that sounded like entrance music just so happened to play as we came into the parking lot of the park.Gener said that he spotted one of the guys counting cars.
As I hopped out of the car, I wasted no time walking down the hill to where he was walking. I seen the person who caused this to happen and I told him that if he said anything to me I'm gonna sock him.And everyone called him out.They even told him to choose who it was that he wanted to fight but he was to chicken shit to say anything.Even after he told me he wouldn't fight me but he would fight any of my friends. He swore like he was tough wearing a pair of mechanics and in basket ball shorts.We then squared off and he started trying to taunt me.He also hopped around like he was Muhammad Ali(which failed to intimidate me).He swung at nothing but air and I rushed him.Grabbed his legs and slammed him.I didn't hesitate to get on him and ground and pound his face in. His head bounced off the floor like a basket ball and someone had to pull me off of him.He was knocked out.LITERALLY. And when he got up, he walked around in circles hahah.
The worst of this all is that he had his mom take him down to the park to fight me.So basically he told his mom.From what she told me was that someone stole his phone in the midst of our first fight earlier that day.Poor Aaron got his chain snatched but there wasnt much I could do about that.Everyone zoomed off as his mom said that the cops were on there way.
We drove to rallys and everyone laughed about what happened.I was still a little hyped and upset about what had just happened.Like even though I won, I really don't like to fight unless I have to.Please keep in mind that he called me out.
I ate Rally's fries and the chicken that sonny had bought. And we dipped to east side.On our way to the park, Our car and Ravy's car had a war and Gener threw countless pieces of ice at her while she was driving.
I grabbed the bottle of E&J from the back and swigged about half of what was left.Once that happened, Freddy and Brandon had to hear my dreadful life story of what had lead up to me fighting him.
We later left for home.Once I got home my mom examined my face(to find nothing but a knuckle scratch) and I went to sleep.
I know for a fact his reputation is ruined. But this left me nothing but expelled.